Flood Preparedness

Flood Preparedness for Families in Service Family Accommodation

Preparation steps

1. Know your risk:
• Check if your home is in a flood-prone area using online tools like the Environment Agency’s flood risk maps.
• Sign up for flood warnings via phone, text, or email.

2. Insurance:
• Check what damage your contents insurance covers

3. Protect valuables:
• Store irreplaceable items and important documents upstairs or in high places.
• Use large sealable bags to protect valuable items.

4. Flood kit:
• Prepare an emergency flood kit with essentials like torches, batteries, bottled water, non-perishable food, and first aid supplies.

5. Know your home:
• Know how to turn off your gas, electricity, and water supplies.

6. Make a flood plan:
• Plan for childcare and pet care in case of evacuation.
• Identify a safe place for your family to go if you need to leave your home.
• Ensure all family members know the plan and have emergency contact numbers.

If flooding occurs

1. Safety first:
• Move your family, pets, and vehicles to higher ground or upstairs.

2. Report the flood:
• Call Pinnacle to report any flooding to your home or those in your area. This will trigger a swift response with DIO and contractor teams moving to support families in the area.

What to expect

1. Speedy response:
• The DIO and its contractors will respond promptly to your report of flooding.

2. Regular communication:
• Expect regular updates and clear communication regarding the status of repairs and any necessary actions. These messages may be fed via your unit.

3. Temporary accommodation:
• Arrangements will be made for temporary accommodation if your home is uninhabitable.

4. Repairs and relocation:
• Repairs will be carried out to make your home safe and habitable again.
• If repairs are extensive, you may be allocated a new home.

If you or your family are in danger please call 999.

For any other queries, you can contact our helpdesk on 0800 031 8628