Giving us feedback
Your feedback is important to us. If we or DIO’s maintenance contractors Amey or Vivo have done something well, please let us know so we can do more of it. If you have an idea how we can improve, we would love to hear it. And if you have had a bad experience please do give us your feedback so we can take action and hopefully prevent it happening again.
There are many ways you can get involved with our services. But we also want to hear about your one-off experiences with us or DIO’s partner organisations. You can either do this through the surveys we email following an interaction with us, or use the buttons below at any time.

Tell us what we did that made you happy so we can thank our teams and do more of it!
If you are unhappy with the service you and your family have been provided by the National Service Centre or DIO’s maintenance contractors Amey or VIVO, you can log a formal complaint here. This will go through an official process to review and rectify the issue.
ComplaintsWhat happens to my feedback?
We care about your experience with us and have dedicated teams analysing the information we receive, sharing it across our business, as well as all DIO service providers delivering for you. Working with DIO’s other contractors, we develop joint action plans for improvement.
You may be entitled to compensation if you have experienced a missed appointment, failed Move-In or incorrect tradesperson. Please click the link below to learn more and submit a request.
CompensationCustomer surveys
To help us get your feedback in a structured way, we work with industry leading customer satisfaction experts Rant and Rave to ask about your experiences with us and DIO’s maintenance contractors.
After all contact with us, big or small, we would love to hear your thoughts on how things went, so we send you a survey by email. This helps us monitor how we are doing, and helps us improve how we deliver for you and your family.
How it works
Our system automatically triggers a short survey sent to your email address. Sometimes this happens straight away, sometimes it can be a few weeks later depending on what services you have been using.
We know you are really busy and we try to keep these surveys as short as possible. We have a system in place so that you are not sent too many surveys in any given year.