Putting Families First
We are proud to serve you and your family with Service Family Accommodation (SFA) as part of the The Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) programme. There are around 49,000 homes across the UK and we know that behind each move and every repair request there are families whose daily lives are impacted by how we respond and how we deliver our services.
The contracts have been put together with families being placed at the heart of delivery, from being involved in shaping the contract requirements, to helping form the services and how they look today. We want to reassure families that this involvement continues, and that we will always look to improve how we do things to make life better for you. There are also plenty of opportunities for you to get involved.
Contact UsWho is responsible for your home?
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and has overall responsibility for providing service families with homes.
They have given Pinnacle a contract to run the National Service Centre, which is where you call regarding any issues with your home, or about home allocations. We are also responsible for the Housing Officers who visit you in your home and administering the complaints and compensation systems on behalf of the DIO.
The DIO also have contracts with Amey and VIVO to carry out any repair and maintenance issues in your home, including bringing properties to the required standard before a new family moves in. When you call the National Service Centre we will allocate these jobs to appointments given to us by Amey and VIVO.
Pinnacle run the National Service Centre. Amey and VIVO carry out the repairs and maintenance service. Decisions about upgrade or refurbishment works are made by DIO.

DIO Partners
The key partners delivering your Service Family Accommodation, on behalf of Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), are Pinnacle, Amey and VIVO.
Pinnacle runs the National Service Centre. We are responsible for your moving in and out requests and we deal with the phone calls and online requests about your home.
When a call or request comes in, either one of our Housing Officers will visit you in your home or we will assign it to DIO’s maintenance contractors Amey or VIVO. They provide the specialist skills to visit your home and carry out the repairs and maintenance tasks.
You may also see us in your local community working with many other providers, supporting delivery across the Defence estate.