How to get in touch with us.
There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.
New/Existing Repair Form
You can raise non-urgent repairs online using the webform below. You can also request an update on an existing repair using the same form.
For any urgent repair, or for any repairs relating to alarms and detectors including Carbon Monoxide, please call the National Service Centre Direct on 0800 031 8628.
New/Existing Repair FormRaise a Damp and Mould Issue
You can raise damp and mould issues using the form below.
The questions on the form help us understand the severity of the issue, and collect the information to send to the damp and mould specialists and Amey and Vivo.
Damp and Mould Repair Form
National Service Centre
Our National Service Centre is open from 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday-Friday, with the repairs phone line available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Free to call from landline or mobile:
0800 031 8628
If calling from overseas please use:
+44 (0) 161 605 3529
If we call you from the National Service Centre the number that will show is 0161 605 3578.

You can get in touch with our teams directly using the email addresses below.
To discuss applications, allocations and requests, contact; [email protected]
To send in any medical/OT reports for the case managers to review, contact; [email protected]
To discuss retention enquiries or to send in supporting evidence for retentions, contact; [email protected]
For queries relating to existing repairs or to raise a new repair, use our Repairs form or contact; [email protected]
To discuss or book statutory gas or electrical inspections, contact; [email protected]
To raise or discuss complaints or compliments contact; [email protected]
To discuss compensation contact; [email protected]
To send us any confidential Additional Needs/Disability Adaptation (ANDA) related reports/information please click here click here to email our confidential email address.
Email usConnect with us on Social Media
Housing Officers
Our dedicated team of Housing Officers work across the UK to deliver services for you and your family in and around your home. Hopefully you have already met your local Housing Officer and have developed a relationship with them. They are there to help you, particularly at key times in your home such as move in and move out.
Whilst we do not give personal details for our teams of Housing Officers, if you do need any support or help please contact us in the ways listed above. If your query is complex, or requires additional support, we will make sure your Housing Officer knows and they can then contact you or visit to help.
Media enquiries only
How members of the media can contact our press office with a media enquiry:
The Pinnacle Service Families press office is contactable between 9am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Please direct all media enquiries to [email protected]
For out of hours media enquiries (weekends and bank holidays) please contact: [email protected]